Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Puckin Hostile Shoutcast
Episode 76

In this 76th Puckin Hostile Shoutcast (the Pernell Karl "PK" Subban episode) Gatekeeper, Fatrick, and Norton go the losers route on Valentines day, as each other's dates.

The jagtastic asshattery includes:
-Gate is back from Seattle and Vancouver
-A new iTunes review (probably Norton's mom)
-Stupid bye week has everyone sitting on their asses doing nothing. Not a perfect time for the Hawks either
-Claude Julien was fired and hired, and might have Lindy Ruff right behind him.
-Tim Horton's sucks
-Hawks played some games vs the Coyotes, Stars, Wild Jets, and Oilers
-Some late listener questions
-And of course, as always, an abundance of extremely inappropriate references and jokes in incredibly bad taste

You can find the episode on iTunes by following this link: iTunes

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